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The play button doesn't work. At least I think it's supposed to be a play button.

It's about damn time

I think we're all sick of those stupid animation abortions.

I mildly object to the violence, as I am concerned that it implies that potheads are violent. Then again, that dog totally had it coming.

Thanks for saying what we all think when we see those ads.


Something about anti-smoking propaganda makes me want a cigarette. It's sooooooo relaxing...truly the most enjoyable form of suicide known to humanity. Except maybe death by snoo snoo.

Anyway, this really isn't the place for a bunch of text. I'm not saying it sucks or anything, because it doesn't. It was well put together. It's just incredibly dull. Nothing about that makes me want to watch it again. I could make a flash containing nothing but a bunch of factoids about the cultivation of toxic plants, but that would be lame and no one would like it. Think about your audience before you upload.


Finally, a clay flick that doesn't completely blow ass. Please make more.


Sorry for your loss. I suggest making another tribute. Instead of making a simple slide show, honor her memory with a flash that shows us a bit of who she was, why she meant so much to you, and why she will be missed. What kind of things did she like? Maybe replace the sad piano music with her favorite song...unless the sad piano music was her favorite song, in which case, leave it.

Thelittlerich responds:

Thanks for your comments.
I put this together quickly so that there could be some kind of tribute for all who knew her to view. It didn't take too much time, and it is simple, but I just wanted to put something online as fast as I could.

Thanks again.

Very nice!

I LOVE that spider! I wish all the other characters were done with that level of detail. Keep 'em coming!

I agree.

One of my reviews had been up with no issues for 4 years, and then someone got all butt-hurt and complained. Nice job.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

hahaha, got a bunch of those myself

thanks for the review :D

Canada, eh?

You should marry me, so I can be a Canadian citizen. They don't want me cuz I don't speak French. I don't like living in this country.

Oh yeah, nice Flash. Looks like the intro for a tourism page for that town. Is that what it was made for?

sk8erstich responds:

Pretty Much yes... I was aiming at showing everyone some stuff that Cornwall, Ontario Canada has.

Very nice

The graphics were great, and the story is cute, yet haunting. I love it! Can't wait to see part 2!

My baby will eat your baby

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